lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

"Things everyone of us should do on each day".

There's a lot of data and info going on around us in 21th century. I don´t say nothing new. Our time is precious, and gains value every minute and hour. Perhaps for some pepople this is not so obvious, but take a look and watch... Things are harder than it looks sometimes, so I decided to give you some tips ... it had helped me (and still does!) to make my daily routines more effective, and for sure, in a fun manner!  

- Get out the tasks off your head.

Write it down. On paper, on your smartphone. Wherever you are. In the bus, in the bathroom, at school, at work. Just remove the things that you are carrying in your brain. It release pressure and help to put order over the mess inside. Don't like lists? Mindmapping is a really effective tool also. You can try it. 

-. Eat well, sleep better.

You and I are human beings. Have a body and a mind. We must give the food and the rest necesary to deal with our lifes. We never, ever, must underestimate this main aspect of who we are. Be gentil with yourself. Busy day? Let´s relax. Slow it down. Take it easy. One thing I do before night sleep is read, help me a lot to clean my mind. Remember, we are what we eat (we shoud add: "and rest")

-.  Be positive.

Always, under any circunstances, take the best thoghts on your side. Be a killer +. Think in good things, and the doors will be open to you. Don't hesitate and bring bad feelings inside of your chest. Take a deep brath, and clear your mind of negative stuff. Shush those bad voices, just get away! Yes, you can make it!

-. Give love.

To the dog that's is following you in the street, going to work. To your parents. To your husband, wife or kids. To a friend, or that fellow worker. All, you included, need love. Anytime you can, anywhere, even to strangers... show YOUR HEART. Don't expect feedback, just don't worry about that. Just do your part, and for it will come back in most unexpected way!

-. Do some exercise.

Ok, gyms is not for all people. But you have other options: run, walk, ride a byke, or  horse, martial arts... All you have to do, besides taking the decision to start, is some kind of mental self-conviction to keep doing it after a while and don't quit with ease (come on, make it hard!) You will look and, above all, feel better. But takes time, there's no magic involved.

-. Don't listen to much to others.

Let's see, of course we must listen the opinions of the people. But we must be carefull. Some persons will try to help you and other who want to drag your spirit with the mediocrity they have on them. Sad, but true. You want something? Go after that. Yes, talk it with the one who cares on you. But don't let yourself down cause other's words or sensations. Never. Imagine a river, you are swimming against the tide, but there will be (always, sadly) people who go in the opposite direction, and will want to take you with them. No! You are strong enogh! Keep marchin on!

-. Success came behind hard work.

All of us can get some luck. Why not? Some people persues fame to no matter what costs it. But, in case you are a "regular" person, like me (please, no judging at all), maybe you want to get some retribution for whatever you are doing well. Ok, if that the case, one advice to you: the only secure way to get it is... hard work, no more no less. No talking or days or months: years. Your efforts, sooner o later, will have your reward.

-. Believe in you.

Please. One of the most important things. Believe in YOU. Take a picture when you where a child, look at it. Treat yourself like you would do if the kid of the photo were in front of you righ now. Yes, be gentil, and nice. Remember your dreams. Why not to accomplish that ones? Never, while you are still breathing, is too late to trying. Creation came from our minds. Just go after and make it real!!

-. Take some minutes far away from anything.

Yes. What you have just read. Take a time to be with your soul, alone. Hear what it has to tell to you. Listen silently. Don't get other thoghts  disturbe your inner chat. No need so much time, just the necessary. You will know when the session it's over. Takes some time to get used to, patient, will be worth doing it!!

-. Passion will lead you

This is a BIG true. Passion rules: Our hearts, our wold. The biggest acts of the mankind were achieve by the power of passion. In case you aren't doing right now  this thing that "burns" you inside, it's time to begin!. For sure you have something to do that you love so hard to say: 'I can spend the rest of my life doing it'. Well, DO IT! You will not live forever in this land. We don't know much about afterlife neither. Instead, we have the present. And we possibly can DO something TODAY to initiate  a change our lives!!   

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